Registration (information)

Registration: information

Registration is open from November 30, 2015 to January 20, 2016

They are from this platform. If you already have an account on (created for participation in another event), you can reuse it. Otherwise you must create an account by clicking the link "Creat an account" in the "My Space" part from the left menu.

After creating your account you can login and have access to the registration page.

There are four types of registration:

  • Student: registration is free and includes access to the workshop, a badge, a program and coffee breaks but is strictly for student.
  • UMR STL members: registration is free and includes access to the workshop, a badge, a program and coffee breaks but is strictly for UMR STL members.
  • Speakers: registration is free and includes access to the workshop, a badge, a program, coffee breaks and lunch but is strictly for speakers at the workshop.
  • Other: registration is free and includes access to the workshop, a badge, a program, coffee breaks and lunch.

If you have any question about the registration, you can contact the website's administrator by clicking on the "@Contact" at the bottom of the menu.

Online user: 1